AHHHHHHHH! This is it. Don't get scared now. This Home Alone medley includes iconic music from the 1990 movie soundtrack along with some of your favorite movie quotes too.
can only be found here at BF Light Shows
Purchasing allows the sequence to be used in a single residential non-commercial location. Commercial locations must obtain a commercial license. Please email for pricing.
The audio was custom created and is included
HD Layout
HD Layout Display Elements: All, All House, All Canes, All Lawn Props, All Mini Trees - No Stars, All Mini Trees Stars, All Mini Trees with Stars, All Real Big Lights, All Snowflakes, Horizontal Lines, House Outlines, Vertical Lines, Vertical Matrices, Icicles, Floodlights, Arches, GE MOAW GRP, GE MOAW All Diamonds GRP, GE MOAW Atom EVEN GRP, GE MOAW Atom GRP, GE MOAW Atom ODD GRP, GE Rosa Grande Circles Outer ODD GRP, GE Rosa Grande Feather Long Even GRP, GE Rosa Grande Feather Long Odd GRP, GE Rosa Grande Feather Short Even GRP, GE Rosa Grande Hook CCW GRP, GE Rosa Grande Hook CW GRP, GE Rosa Grande Outer Ring GRP, GE Rosa Grande Ribbon GRP, GE Rosa Grande Snowflake Spoke GRP, GE Rosa Grande Spoke GRP, GE Rosa Grande Spokes Odd, GE Rosa Grande Bottom Render GRP, GE RosaWreath GRP, GE RosaWreath Arrows - Cupid GRP, GE RosaWreath Arrows GRP, GE RosaWreath Circles Outer GRP, GE RosaWreath Feather Even GRP, GE RosaWreath Feather Odd GRP, GE RosaWreath Feathers GRP, GE RosaWreath Flower Daisy Filled GRP, GE RosaWreath Peacock Large GRP, GE RosaWreath Rings GRP, GE RosaWreath Snowflake, GE RosaWreath Spokes Odd GRP, GE RosaWreath Spokes Single GRP, GE RosaWreath Bottom Render, PPD GRP, PPD Wreath Center Piece, PPD Wreath DiamondArms, PPD Wreath Inner Rings, PPD Wreath Outer Diamonds, PPD Wreath Outer Ring, PPD Wreath Petals, PPD Wreath Petals EVEN, PPD Wreath Petals Large, PPD Wreath Petals Large Even, PPD Wreath Petals Large ODD, PPD Wreath Petals ODD, PPD Wreath Rings, PPD Wreath Spiral CClockwise, PPD Wreath Spiral Clockwise, PPD Wreath Star, PPD Wreath Star Offset, PPD Wreath Bottom Render, Radio Speakers All Inner Circles, Showstopper Snowflake, Showstopper Snowflake ALL Rings - Group, Showstopper Snowflake Center Rings - Group, Showstopper Snowflake FireWorks - Group, Showstopper Snowflake Flower - Group, Showstopper Snowflake Mushrooms - Group, Showstopper Snowflake Outer Leaves - Group, Showstopper Snowflake Outer Spirals CC - Group, Showstopper Snowflake Outer Spirals CW - Group, Showstopper Snowflake Outline - Group, Showstopper Snowflake Snowflake1 - Group, Showstopper Snowflake Snowflake3 - Group, Showstopper Snowflake Snowflake6 - Group, Showstopper Snowflake Bottom Render GRP, Showstopper Spinner GRP, Showstopper Spinner - Big Y, Showstopper Spinner - Cascading Arches, Showstopper Spinner - Cascading Leaf, Showstopper Spinner - Cascading Petal, Showstopper Spinner - Circles (V), Showstopper Spinner - Fireworks, Showstopper Spinner - Half Moon, Showstopper Spinner - Oysters, Showstopper Spinner - Swirl Left, Showstopper Spinner - Swirl Right, Showstopper Spinner - Willow, Showstopper Spinner Left - Bottom Render, Showstopper Spinner Right - Bottom Render, Snowflakes Boscoyo, Snowflakes Boscoyo Arms, Snowflakes EFL, Snowflakes EFL Big Spokes, Snowflakes EFL Burst, Snowflakes EFL Little Spokes, Spin Arches - All, Spin Arches - Inner Band, Spin Arches - Matrix, Spin Arches - Mid Band, Spin Arches - No Arch, Spin Arches - No Arch Even, Spin Arches - Outer Band, Spin Arches - Spokes, Spin Arches - Swirls, Spin Arches - Triple Arch, Spin Arches - WIggly CCW, Spin Arches - WIggly CW, Spinners, Spinners - All Inner Circles, Spinners - All Spokes, Spinners - Center Nodes, Spinners - Inner Circle-1, Spinners - Inner Circle-2, Spinners - Inner Circle-3, Spinners - Inner Circle-4, Spinners - Outer Rings, Spiral Trees, Spiral X Balls, Spiral X Green Tree, Spiral X Spiral Front, Spiral X Spiral and Star, Spiral X Stars, Spiral X Trees, CandyCaneMed_NSR 1, CandyCaneMed_NSR 2, CandyCaneMed_NSR 3, CandyCaneMed_NSR 4, DMX - Wristband 1-2 (Controller), DMX - Wristband 3-5 (Lights), Flake - T1, Flake - T2, Flake - T3, Flake - T4, Flake - T5, Flake - T6, MH Dimmers, MH Dimmers/Strand 1/Node 1, MH Dimmers/Strand 1/Node 2, MH Dimmers/Strand 1/Node 3, MH Dimmers/Strand 1/Node 4, MH Dimmers/Strand 1/Node 5, MH Dimmers/Strand 1/Node 6, MH Dimmers/Strand 1/Node 7, MH Dimmers/Strand 1/Node 8, MH Pan, MH Pan/Strand 1/Node 1, MH Pan/Strand 1/Node 2, MH Pan/Strand 1/Node 3, MH Pan/Strand 1/Node 4, MH Pan/Strand 1/Node 5, MH Pan/Strand 1/Node 6, MH Pan/Strand 1/Node 7, MH Pan/Strand 1/Node 8, MH Shutters, MH Tilt, MH Tilt/Strand 1/Node 1, MH Tilt/Strand 1/Node 2, MH Tilt/Strand 1/Node 3, MH Tilt/Strand 1/Node 4, MH Tilt/Strand 1/Node 5, MH Tilt/Strand 1/Node 6, MH Tilt/Strand 1/Node 7, MH Tilt/Strand 1/Node 8, Matrix - P5, Matrix - Pixel, Medium NSR 1, Medium NSR 2, Medium NSR 3, Medium NSR 4, Medium NSR 5, Medium NSR 6, Medium NSR 7, Medium NSR 8, Mega Tree, Mega Tree Star, Pixel Forest, Radio_EFL, Radio_EFL/Outline, Radio_EFL/Handle, Radio_EFL/Tune to Matrix, Radio_EFL/Speaker Angled 1, Radio_EFL/Speaker Circles, Radio_EFL/Large matrix, Radio_EFL/Left Speaker, Radio_EFL/Right Speaker, Radio_EFL/Left Speaker Circle 2, Radio_EFL/Left Speaker Circle 4, Radio_EFL/Right Speaker Circle 2, Radio_EFL/Right Speaker Circle 4, Real Big Lights Left, Real Big Lights Right, Singing Bulb - Left, Singing Bulb - Right, Singing Bulb - Right/Base, Singing Tree Left, Singing Tree Left/Tree Outline, Singing Tree Left/Eyes Open, Arch - 1, Arch - 3, Arch - 2, All (Place at Bottom of Render Order)
SD Layout
SD Layout Display Elements:
All, House Outlines, Horizontal Lines, Vertical Lines, Icicles, All Snowflakes, Snowflakes EFL Big Spokes, Snowflakes Boscoyo Arms, Spinners, Spinners - All Spokes, Spinners - Center Nodes, Spinners - Inner Circle-1, Spinners - Outer Rings, Arches, All Canes, Floodlights, All Mini Trees with Stars, All Mini Trees - No Stars, All Mini Trees Stars, All Real Big Lights, Mega Tree, Mega Tree Star, Arch - Left, Arch - Left Middle, Arch - Right Middle, Arch - Right, Mini Tree - 1, Mini Tree - 2, Mini Tree - 3, Mini Tree - 4, Mini Tree - 5, Mini Tree - 6, Flake - T1, Flake - T2, Flake - T3, Flake - T4, Flake - T5, Flake - T6, Singing Bulb - Left, Singing Bulb - Right, Singing Bulb - Right/Base, Singing Tree - Left, Singing Tree - Left/Tree Outline, Singing Tree - Left/Eyes Open, Singing Tree - Left/Middle Lip, DMX - Wristband 1-2 (Controller), DMX - Wristband 3-5 (Lights), All - Bottom, Matrix - Pixel